You probably have lots of questions concerning costs, risks and terminology of fertility treatment.

We want to answer some of the most commonly asked questions below.

We still strongly recommend consulting us personally and we are looking forward to you visiting the Fertility Center Mittelhessen.


Like every medical procedure reproductive medicine has its risks, which are fortunately very rare. Most prominent are four potential risk factors:

Ovarian Hyper Stimulation Syndrome (OHSS)

If hyper stimulation occurs it means that the patients were too receptive of the stimulation therapy. The ovaries produce a large number of follicles that emit hormones themselves. The result can be nausea and painful fluid accumulation in the abdomen. This usually sets during a later stage of stimulation therapy, most often after follicle puncture. If there is increasing pain in the abdomen after this point in time, it is imperative to inform a doctor. In very rare cases treatment in a hospital may be necessary.

Multiple pregnancies

The risk of multiple pregnancies is generally increased in reproductive medicine since in most cases more than one embryo is transferred to increase the success rate of the treatment. Statistics suggest that around 20% percent of successful IVF patients get pregnant with twins and up to 3% with triplets. As a result of Germany’s binding limitation to three embryos higher number pregnancies are extremely unlikely but not completely impossible because of monozygotic multiples.

  • In very rare cases there are complications during the surgical procedures of the IVF, which may result in small injuries of the abdomen or infections.
  • With rising age the risk of miscarriage rises, but no clear connection to IVF has been established so far. Certainly IVF patients tend to be above average age so that the risk of miscarriage for this group is generally slightly increased.


The costs for fertility treatment depend on the specific treatment and the necessary dosage of drugs. These are usually quite expensive and amount to a large part of the total costs.

We recommend privately insured patients to settle coverage with their insurance beforehand.

Compulsory health insurances cover the cost for fertility diagnostics and they usually bear 50% of treatment costs. As explained below, there are exceptions for patients of a certain age or with other indicators that exclude them from coverage.

Own contribution of compulsory insured patients

  Own contribution
  without medication with medication
IUI (without stimulation) ca. 50 € ca. 40 €
IUI (with stimulation) ca. 50 € ca. 450 €
IVF ca. 900 € ca. 1.600 €
ICSI ca. 1.100 € ca. 1.800 €

The federal committee for doctors and health insurances has changed the guidelines concerning the so called “künstliche Befruchtung” (IVF/ICSI), effective since 01.01.2004.

In compliance with these guidelines half the costs for the following treatments are covered:

  • 8 inseminations in a non-stimulated cycle
  • 3 inseminations in a stimulated cycle
  • 3 in vitro fertilizations (IVF) or
  • 3 intracytoplasmic sperm injections (ICSI)

There are no exceptions for treatment attempts exceeding the aforementioned.

Compulsory insured patients are only fit for coverage if

  • both partners have completed their 25th year of life and
  • the female partner is not yet older than 40 years and
  • the male partner is not yet older than 50 years.

In addition to being of advanced age, compulsory insurances do not cover costs in the following cases:

  • The couple is not married.
  • After sterilization of either the male or the female partner.
  • In the case of treatment with donor sperm.

Medication intake

For a lot of couples a time of excitement and insecurity starts with the beginning of a new treatment cycle. In combination with medication intake first questions arise rather quickly. This page can help you if we should not be available.

When is the first day of my cycle?

The first day of intense bleeding is considered the first day of the cycle. Prior spotting and slight bleeding is to be disregarded. Should you have taken the pill the previous cycle bleeding can set in weaker than usual.

Important: Please contact us via telephone after your period has started. That way we can gladly discuss the process and all important questions again. Should bleeding set in on a weekend, please contact us on Monday.

What should I do with the patient booklet?

Please enter the first date of your cycle into the patient booklet. We ask you to bring your patient booklet to every appointment so that we can enter your next appointment and the dosage of your medication if necessary.

Your patient booklet also contains all the important telephone numbers as well as an emergency number that can be reached outside our consultation hours. Furthermore the patient booklet contains important information on what to bear in mind during treatment.

How do I store my drugs?

All drugs, especially the Ovitrelle-syringe is to be stored in the fridge.

When do I begin stimulation via nasal spray?

You start applying nasal spray on the first day of cycle and take in the specified number of sprays over the course of the day. If additional stimulation injections were prescribed, apply them from the second day onward.

What do i have to consider for stimulation with injections?

Stimulation via injection or pens, for example Gonal –F, starts on the second day of cycle. The use of syringes/pens is explained in the videos below:



What do I have to consider when inducing ovulation via Ovitrelle or Decapeptyl?

Ovulation induction is scheduled for a specific time 35 hours before follicle puncture or insemination. This time is allocated during consultation, entered in the patient booklet and is to be complied strictly. Especially for IVF and ICSI inducing ovulation at the right time can be decisive for the success of the treatment. The use of the syringes/ pens is explained in the video below:

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Weitere Informationen

Intake of progesterone capsules

The intake of progesterone capsules starts after egg cell retrieval or insemination. A capsule is to be inserted into the vagina three times a day. Please do not be confused by the patient information leaflet, vaginal application is correct and close to the target tissue.

You can find further information in the Downloads.

Contact form for your questions

If you have further questions please contact us via the contact form below or send us an e-mail at:
